Avoid cutting trees; use modernized hi-tech furniture with “Status Furniture”
Trees are rapidly cut down to meet the demand for the products we use. There are some products that we use regularly but buy less frequently: wooden bed frames kitchen furniture , wooden sofa, and more. What if we used something other than newly cut trees to make these products? Finding alternatives to cutting down trees especially walnut, mahogany, teak and other more frequently cut trees is a new trend in the world of forest conservation. It's a way to take the pressure off of the jungle. Status Furniture strongly believes in these words. Forests have more than 100 species of trees; most of the wood products are made from the same two dozen or more tree species because consumer demand for this type of wood is high. Many of these species are now at risk of extinction due to over-harvesting. One solution to this challenge is the harvesting of species that are less traditional but have similar characteristics in terms of performance and aesthetics. Over the past 20 y...